Hello! Welcome to my parlour of fenangling powers barely understood by most of humankind!
I'm a C++ programmer whose engine of choice is Unreal Engine, I like to play around with low-level data processing and API's like OpenGL and OpenAL because I like creating more problems for myself.
I earned First Class Honours in Computing & Games Development at the University of Plymouth. Where I was taught and practised every stage of the software development stack, but found I enjoyed the rendering pipeline most. Despite all the scary math.
I also have experience working with a plethora of other languages and frameworks. Being adept at applying general design patterns and coding methodologies regardless of the syntax.
I love learning new tools and tricks to help me create new and intuitive interactive applications.
I'm originally from South Africa, now based in the UK, and I believe my unique perspective offers a fresh approach and tenacity to every project I work on.
Games are pretty cool. And making them is also pretty cool.
So I did that.
For project breakdowns and post mortems...